
Only words with 2 or more characters are accepted
Max 200 chars total
Space is used to split words, "" can be used to search for a whole string (not indexed search then)
AND, OR and NOT are prefix words, overruling the default operator
+/|/- equals AND, OR and NOT as operators.
All search words are converted to lowercase.

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  • English

Our products

Our high-quality products are sold exclusively by DINOX-D Edelstahlprodukte GmbH. Our main customers are original equipment manufacturers and the special equipment industry. We would be happy to make you an individual offer. Talk to us directly and easily via our contact form - we look forward to your message.

Domestic hot water storage tanks exclusively stainless steel to ANSI 316 L / 316Ti

Domestic hot water heater exclusively stainless steel to ANSI 316L / 316 Ti

Domestic hot water heater exclusively stainless steel to ANSI 316L / 316 Ti

Domestic hot water heater exclusively stainless steel to ANSI 316L / 316 Ti

Domestic hot water heater exclusively stainless steel to ANSI 316L / 316 Ti

Domestic hot water heater exclusively stainless steel to ANSI 316L / 316 Ti

Domestic hot water heater exclusively stainless steel to ANSI 316L / 316 Ti



Domestic hot water heater exclusively stainless steel to ANSI 316L / 316 Ti



Special container


Stainless steel containers from our production range are used in the following areas:




Pharmaceutical Industry






Water- and waste water technic


Chemical Industry


Food and bevarage Industry


Common industry


Our production program includes stainless steel containers of various designs; we would be happy to make you an individual offer.


  • Drinking hot water tank
  • Drinking water heater
  • Drinking water heater systems
  • Storage tanks
  • pressure vessel
  • Mixing container
  • Filter systems
  • Degasser
  • Feed water tank
  • Condensate tank
  • Containers according to your wishes and specifications

Product Information:
PLUS = DHW outlet upwards instead of sideways
E = with additional electric heating
W = sensor terminal strip